Gain a broader understanding of how coding and robotics can fit into your everyday teaching of STEM, and how to integrate Technology, Computer Science, and Engineering into your Math, Science, and ELA lessons. This PD introduces the online lessons from Exploring Robotics and MakeBlock and no-assembly-required Codey Rocky robot that can make teaching coding a breeze. By the end of this session you will be ready to use the Codey Rocky Robot in your classroom to engage students in CS/STEM.
Blast off as a rocket and then send Codey to Mars in these action-packed STEM lessons. STEAM curriculum and STEM Lab kits with Codey-Rocky are an easy way to introduce coding and make a great teacher engagement tool for many science and math concepts.
Codey Rocky is a treasure trove of fun right out of the box, that plays music, follows light, mimics facial expressions and much more with easy coding; empowering children with the skills to turn their imagination into reality and experience the delight of their achievement. Students use Scratch code to control movement, messaging, play music,communicate, follow lines, use sensors, and create games.
Cross-curricula STEM lessons include reading, writing, math, and science. Students measure, use number lines, and use math during coding. They learn physical science properties of LEDs, light and sound waves, energy, communication, collecting data, and modeling for science. They use the engineering design process for creating applications where the robot is solving a problem.
Time to complete: 2 hours presentations (+ 1 hour lesson plan assignment)
Who this is for: Educators in grades 5 to 7 (classrooms, maker spaces, or clubs).
Skills you will gain: Introduction to Coding, Robotics, Engineering Design, and teaching Integrated STEM with a robotSuggested Materials: (if you are doing the hands-on activities)
A Codey Rocky robot package (may be available from lending library)
Codey Rocky Curriculum Guide book (may be available from lending library)
A device for coding software such as a Apple or Android Tablet or Chromebook